“Remember That 8th of November”, A poem




We toasted our wine glasses to forget

Yet, always remember that 8th of November

No exit sign in case of emergencies

Freedom is most definitely a tease


This country is torn, hate is born

Spreads like a chemical war,

Ignorance seeps into oblivion

American dreams melt at seams.


The air is poisoned with toxins

I try to breathe in oxygen,

Coughing up hate from lungs

Wait, don’t take the bait.


We buy Walmart made propaganda

And believe it to be Versace slander

Yet your brain is paying the price

You even bought it twice  


Freedom of thought?

Freedom I think not


I’ll willingly stand in quicksand

Hope to not be engulfed whole

Hate and division takes our soul

Turns to ashes from burning coal

“Passion”, a thought poem

Call me a monster one more time for having a dream

How many times do I have to say “I’m sorry”?

I’ll do it only once more,

I’m sorry for not fitting into the mold.

Miserable and success should not be synonyms.

Spectators are quick to doubt you, it drowns all hope

The one thing I’ve always believed in was myself.



Times, they’ve changed

I told the cable guy his product was obsolete and he agreed. He told me he doubles as a solar energy representative.

He used to own a taxi company, but it went out of business when Uber came around.

I think he was in the business for obsolete businesses because he also owned a video store. And don’t even get me started about his bankrupt toy store.

“Things aren’t what they used to be and I blame technology” was his catch phrase.

Are you born creative?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. When I would tell adults, they would usually laugh. They would tell me I wouldn’t make any money being an artist. My dreams of being an artist were crushed before they could even materialize. That didn’t stop me from creating.

I would draw, write stories and create plays. When I was 8 years old, I started scrap-booking. Being creative felt as natural as eating onion dip at a Superbowl party. Although I always wrote fiction and in diaries, I didn’t start painting until I got into college. As a stress reliever, I would take the paint to the canvas. I released whatever thought or emotion onto the canvas.


Just a few of my dozens of journals I’ve filled out throughout the years.

All of my friends and family started to get paintings for Christmas, birthdays or house-warming gifts. People actually started to buy my paintings. Painting became something to relieve stress, express myself and make money.


One of my favorite water colors I’ve done inspired by my love of the desert.

I wanted everyone to feel the happiness I felt when I painted. I had friends who weren’t tapped into their creative side. I begged and begged them to paint with me. One at a time, I finally got each one of my friends to paint with me. We turned on jazz music and stood outside and let the sun dry our paintings. They were so happy to be creating.

People seem to think that you must have some creative gene or destiny to create. I think everyone is creative, you just need the right tools to tap into it.

Tips on being creative:

  1. STOP THINKING SO MUCH. People think way too much when they are trying to be creative. Thinking too much is the number one thing that blocks being creative. I truly believe being creative is tapping into your intuition. When you are painting and looking at the canvas asking yourself if it should be blue or purple. You are doing it wrong. You need to pick up whichever color you thought of first and let your intuition guide you. Stop second guessing yourself.
  2. LET YOURSELF MAKE “MISTAKES”. If you are writing a short story, who cares if each word is not perfectly placed in your rough draft. Writers live off of editing, so focus on getting the words on the page! Same with painting. If there is a line that you don’t want somewhere, then cover it up with more paint. There are no mistakes in being creative! Whatever you create is an object that represents who you are.
  3. EXPRESS WHAT MAKES YOU MAD. In college, my writing professor would always say “write what makes you mad”. If you want to find passion, think of the things that really grind your gears. And either paint with that passion or write a short story about it. Write an article about it. Use this anger as a fuel for creating. This can be the same for expressing what makes you sad or happy. Feeling emotions and expressing them are the key to success for being creative.
  4. DON’T LET OTHERS TELL YOU HOW TO CREATE. This basically defeats the whole purpose of my post, but don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do. I think the reason I love creating is because there are no rules. No right way or wrong way to do it. As long as you are creating and expressing yourself, you are doing it right.

What helps you create?

–Katie Does Know

A Digital Existence


My existence dissolves into a username with a

Have you forgotten your password? And the answer is usually @Bsolute1y, spelled with at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one symbol and a number.

I’ll convince this machine I am not a robot by checking a box and typing in an odd arrangement of numbers and letters I can barely read. And each time it becomes harder to prove that I actually am human.

My existence dissolves into shattered cell phone screens.